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There are 4 Stages to Endometriosis. I have stage 2, What do you have?

Endometriosis is not the same for everyone. There are different pains for each person and it’s never located in the exact same spot for everyone. Endometriosis has 4 different stages to it. Each stage is...

Endometriosis: What You Need to Know?

Endometriosis' саuѕе rеmаinѕ ѕоmеthing оf a mеdiсаl mуѕtеrу. Thеrе аrе a numbеr оf theories аѕ tо whаt саuѕеѕ thiѕ diѕеаѕе but a dеfinitivе diаgnоѕiѕ bу mеdiсаl rеѕеаrсhеrѕ has уеt tо bе fоund. It iѕ еѕtimаtеd...

What are the Causes of Ovarian Cyst?

Ovarian cysts are a rather common condition among women. In simple words, an ovarian cyst can be described as a fluid-filled sac that is attached to the ovary. Cysts are not essentially anything substantial to...

What is an IUD and What is it Used for?

An Intrauterine Device, also known as IUD, is a small, usually T-shaped device, which is inserted into a woman’s uterus. The device is usually made from plastic or copper, and both of them have different...

Can Endometriosis Cause Severe Lower Back Pain?

Endometriosis is a very common condition among women. In the US alone, there are about 7 million women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis. Although some percentage of endometriosis patients do not feel any pain...

Is it Possible to Get Pregnant with Endometriosis Cyst?

The short answer is yes. The long answer is that there is a very good chance that you can get pregnant with an endometriosis cyst. In fact, roughly one in three women suffering from endometriosis...