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Is Your Pain Misdiagnosed? Tips for Finding a Doctor Who Will Actually Help

Endometriosis occurs when the tissue inside the uterus grows in other areas of the abdomen. Most often, the fallopian tubes and ovaries...

How Technology Has Affected My Endometriosis Journey

Pregnancy is not a cure for Endometriosis, but it may provide some relief. Take a read, Comment and Share the blog to Raise Awareness! Pregnancy is...

Face Palming Things ACTUALLY Said to An Endo Warrior – Part II

Endometriosis is hard enough to deal with. You have more pain than anyone should have to go through. There is stress on...

Is The Endo Diet Worth It?

While endo flare management looks different for everyone, I do believe we can all benefit by changing our diets.
Women who have endometriosis are more likely than other women to have disorders in which the immune system attacks the body's own tissues.
Chronic inflammation in the body can potentially lead to very serious health complications.
High levels of oestrogen and low progesterone levels are often detected in women with endometriosis.
When I turned 30, I began to experience very painful periods. The cramping would be so intense that I'd have to lay on the couch, shaking and perspiring and consume painkillers to get through the day. I...

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Is The Endo Diet Worth It?

While endo flare management looks different for everyone, I do believe we can all benefit by changing our diets.

Can Endometriosis cause skin problems?

Women who have endometriosis are more likely than other women to have disorders in which the immune system attacks the body's own tissues.

How To Reduce Chronic Inflammation In The Body

Chronic inflammation in the body can potentially lead to very serious health complications.

3 Ways To Increase Progesterone

High levels of oestrogen and low progesterone levels are often detected in women with endometriosis.

How Endometriosis is Affected by Fertility

When I turned 30, I began to experience very painful periods. The cramping would be so intense that I'd have to lay on the couch, shaking and perspiring and consume painkillers to get...

Is It Endometriosis or IBS?

If you have pain in your pelvic area, it may be difficult to know what’s causing your discomfort. Maybe you feel nauseous or constipated or have diarrhea. You may have mild to severe...

Why It’s Important to Look After Your Liver with Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a serious condition that is causing you pain, confusion, and frustration. But endometriosis doesn’t just end with the uterus. Many of us think that the endometriosis is linked...

Endometriosis Awareness Month!

Endometriosis is a disease that affects over 176 million women around the world. That translates to a tenth of the world's population. But despite this large demographic, only 1 in 5 people have...

At 15 I started having stomach pain…

Right before my 15th birthday, I began to have bad stomach pain. Visit after visit the doctor would tell me that my body was changing and it was just a stomachache and that...



Journey of Recovery

How did your condition begin and progressed to where it is today? Share this blog to raise awareness! It is so weird to think that I...

My Life with Endometriosis and Ovarian Cancer

Did you have any unusual symptoms before you got your diagnosis? Share to Show your Support! As a teenager, I’ve always had heavy and painful...

Endometriosis – My Lifelong Companion

176 million women or 10% suffer from Endometriosis worldwide. Take a read, Comment and Share the blog to Raise Awareness! It all started when I was 13 years old...

Where Endo Comes From

We all know how Endometriosis can affect our lives. Migraines, horrendous period cramps, leg pain, and anxiety are just a few of...

Does Certain Food Affect Endometriosis Flare Ups?

Thеrе аrе сеrtаіn foods tо аvоіd wіth endometriosis. In fact, many women who ѕuffеr frоm еndоmеtrіоѕіѕ саn іmрrоvе their condition аnd thеіr ѕуmрtоmѕ nаturаllу...