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Tips for Sleeping Through an Endometriosis Flare-Up

Endometriosis is a painful condition that affects 10 to 20 percent of the American female population. The condition can cause infertility, but it is most commonly associated with the pain it causes women...

How Endometriosis Can Affect Your Pregnancy and Delivery

When any woman finds out she's pregnant, she will naturally have many questions. However, for the mother-to-be with endometriosis, a condition where the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus adheres to...

3 Simple Recipes to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Cravings (Without Aggravating Your Symptoms)

Here are three sweet recipes that will help with your symptoms! Enjoy! Easy-to-Make Vegan Fudge INGREDIENTS: 2...

There are Many Invisible Symptoms of Endometriosis, I Feel Worse Than I Look

Endometriosis Symptoms can include: Irregular or heavy menstruationNauseaPain with urinationPain with intercourseChest painExcessive bleedingFatigueHeadacheLower abdominal painInfertilityPain with bowel movementsConstipationBloody urineBloatingCramping during intercourseChronic fatigueDiarrheaPelvic painPainful periods (Dysmenorrhea)Low back pain

3 Ways to De-Stress and Relax When Dealing with Endometriosis Pain

Endometriosis is the name of a relatively common disorder that involves uterine tissue abnormalities. If you have endometriosis, then you're familiar with all sorts of unpleasant effects. According to the U.S. Department of...

The Most Ridiculous Things Someone Has Said About Endometriosis – Part 2

We recently had a poll on our Endometriosis Support group asking what the most ridiculous things that people said to them about their Endometriosis. The answers were quite interesting and maddening. Be...