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The Most Ridiculous Things Someone Has Said About Endometriosis

We recently had a poll on our Endometriosis Support group asking what the most ridiculous things that people said to them about their Endometriosis. The answers were quite interesting and maddening. Be warned! You will probably get enraged at some and worried about the educational system at other comments. Read at your own risk!

” A friend once said……There’s nothing wrong with you. Everybody has endometriosis. “

“Its all in your head!”

” Yes I get really bad period pains…. “

” Friend told me to get tested for gluten intolerance, claimed on food allergies.  “

“You don’t look sick, your job is just stressing you out, you need to quit”

“It’s just like a common cold. You’ll get over it. “

” At age 17 doc said a baby may cure ur symptoms. Not once did it occur to his sorry soul it was endo. lawds “

” All women go through it -the pain is in your head “

A female OBGYN told me, “Endometriosis is only painful when you’re on your period. You’re just depressed, that’s why you’re hurting.”

OBGYN (that I no longer see) – “Just take some Motrin” 

” Are you sure it’s not gas? “

” Its caused by having to much sex “

We’ll be covering more of these comments in future posts, If you have something ridiculous that someone has said to you, please comment below and we’ll try to add it to our next blog post




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