
The Most Ridiculous Things Someone Has Said About Endometriosis – Part 2

We recently had a poll on our Endometriosis Support group asking what the most ridiculous things that people said to them about their Endometriosis. The answers were quite interesting and maddening. Be warned! You will probably get enraged at some and worried about the educational system at other comments. Read at your own risk!

” That I’m too young to have anything serious wrong with me “

” the pain is all in your mind, and you just want to get out of work. “

” Having a baby will cure you. “

“you just had surgery, I thought you were cured now”

“I had that once, i think, i put cbd oil on my tampon and it cured it”

“thats not real”

” You dont need pain meds , your just constipated (2.5 days after my last lap) “

” I had that once they gave me antibiotics and it went away ?. “

‘’Your not bloated your just fat.’’

” Maybe CrossFit is causing it…… “

“If you don’t think about it then it won’t hurt”

” I have that when I’m pregnant “

“If you take birth control it will get rid of it.” 

“Everyone gets cramps its normal”

“It’s all in your head.”

“Pain is often caused by fear of the pain itself. So you should go see a therapist as soon as possible.” -my PCP

 “I’m sure there’s a cure and you just haven’t had a doctor talk about it.”

“it’s not technically a disease it’s just a really bad period”

“at least it’s only during your period and not the rest of the month”

” Maybe you’re constipated “

” You can just push threw it! “

An ob/gyn told me ” there was no way You have endometriosis because endometriosis doesn’t cause acute pain or flare ups. Just take some ibuprofen and you’ll be fine. ”

“You just need to walk more. I tell ya, when I was your age and had bad cramps, a few laps around the park did me a lot of good!”

“My gyno (also the surgeon for my laperoscopy) told me that I definitely didn’t have it anymore because she cut it all out. Why am I still in the same pain as before, then? “

“are you sure you aren’t just hungry?”

” A coworker told me I was overreacting, the pain couldn’t be that bad.”

” I went to the doctor with mid cycle pain, he sent me for a scan and paid no attention to my cycle. Scan came back normal and he shrugged his shoulders, “just one if those things, lots of people get pain for no reason. You just have to put up with it” it was 10 years before I was actually diagnosed and then I diagnosed myself when I’d been trying for a baby. “

“Endo can be cured with antibiotics” – I just laughed at the nurse.

My GP and two obgyn “There is no way you have endo, you got pregnant without any trouble.”

“Sorry you’re having endo pain, have you tried plexus?”

A PCP, “You’ve has 3 surgeries for your Endometriosis? The first one didn’t cure you?” And then her assistant walked in saying, “I had endometriosis and had a hysterectomy. Now I’m cured.” ??‍♀️

Old OB told me I can’t have endo because I’ve been able to have 5 kids and people with endo are not fertile so I can’t have it, (pats my hand like a grandpa) it’s just cramps

We’ll be covering more of these comments in future posts, If you have something ridiculous that someone has said to you, please comment below and we’ll try to add it to our next blog post

You can check out Part 1 of this series HERE




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