Endometriosis Awareness Month!

Endometriosis is a disease that affects over 176 million women around the world. That translates to a tenth of the world's population....

Surgery Didn’t Cure My Endo

Would you consider Hysterectomy if it can help with your Endo? Tell us in the Comments and Share the Blog to Raise Awareness! Source: CureUp

10 Years of Living With Endometriosis

When were you Diagnosed? What was your first reaction? Show your support to the Author by Commenting! I’ve been living with endometriosis for 10 years, diagnosed...

Is The Endo Diet Worth It?

While endo flare management looks different for everyone, I do believe we can all benefit by changing our diets.
Women who have endometriosis are more likely than other women to have disorders in which the immune system attacks the body's own tissues.
Chronic inflammation in the body can potentially lead to very serious health complications.
High levels of oestrogen and low progesterone levels are often detected in women with endometriosis.
When I turned 30, I began to experience very painful periods. The cramping would be so intense that I'd have to lay on the couch, shaking and perspiring and consume painkillers to get through the day. I...

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The Emotions of Endometriosis

What are the Questions that have gone through your mind when you heard the Diagnosis? Show your support by Sharing and Commenting! Sadness. Anger. Confusion. Fear. So many feelings and emotions all at once. To hear the words,...

I Got Hysterectomy And It Didn’t Help With My Endometriosis

Myth: You must be cured if you've gone through a hysterectomy. Take a read, Comment and Share the blog to Raise Awareness! My journey with Endometriosis started about 8 years ago. I would have heavy periods and be...

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Surgeries Don’t Really Help With My Endometriosis

Hysterectomy is Not a Cure for Endometriosis. Share and Comment to show your Support!  Hello, My name is Jeannie and I have been suffering from endometriosis since I was 23. I have had multiple surgeries, medications, tried different diets...

My Life With Endometriosis

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The Difference Between Endometriosis and Normal Cramps

Very painful periods are one of the Symptoms of Endometriosis. Share and Comment to show your Support!  From the beginning, since my first period at age 11, I’ve always had painful periods. I was always told it...

Endometriosis Took my Happiness Away

What was your biggest Challenge with Endo? Show your support by Commenting! My journey starts when in 2007 I had an ectopic pregnancy where they had to remove my right tube. I was 14 weeks along. After that...

Endometriosis: More Than Just Physical Pain

What helps you move forward on difficult days? Share to show your Support!  Endometriosis is much more than just a bad period. All too often, women with this disease are ridiculed by doctors and nurses misconstruing our...

My Endometriosis Story

Did this Story Make You Feel Not Alone? Give Thanks to the Author by Commenting below! Two years ago I shared my Endometriosis Story. A lot has happened since then, so I thought that I would...



Does Certain Food Affect Endometriosis Flare Ups?

Thеrе аrе сеrtаіn foods tо аvоіd wіth endometriosis. In fact, many women who ѕuffеr frоm еndоmеtrіоѕіѕ саn іmрrоvе their condition аnd thеіr ѕуmрtоmѕ nаturаllу...

How to Survive Hurricane with Endometriosis

Hurricanes are among the worst natural disasters that affect North and Central America. Being prepared if you are in a hurricane zone can make...

Is It Endometriosis or IBS?

If you have pain in your pelvic area, it may be difficult to know what’s causing your discomfort. Maybe you feel nauseous...

Is Endometriosis Genetic or Hereditary?

Endometriosis is a complex condition that is extremely difficult to study. More than likely, it is caused by a combination of multiple factors, which...

Tools For Managing Pain From Endometriosis At Home

Endometriosis is a condition that causes the endometrial tissue to grow outside of the uterus. It can cause severe pelvic pain that can interfere...