Endometriosis is not fun. It can give you the worst cramps anyone could imagine. The bleeding can come randomly and in the most inconvenient times. Which is why working with endometriosis is so hard. There are a few things that you can do to help ease your pain and discomfort. Not all these things will work for everyone, but it is our hope that you will find at least one idea that you may not have thought of before. That way your day isn’t completely ruined when your endometriosis decides that it wants to flare up. We have put together seven great tips that have been tried and proven to help and made this list. That way you have ideas within your reach without having to research for ideas.
The Seven Tips to Help deal with Endometriosis – so that you can continue working:
1. Take the Heat to go
What is the one thing that you would go to if you were at home and have a flare-up? Nope, we aren’t talking about your remote or your favorite blanket. The one thing that most women say helps them is their trusty heating pad. We realize that you cannot be tied down to a cord all day long, but you live in a wonderful age where your heat can go with you. There are two reasonable options here. First, you could get a portable hot pad. These are filled with water and then used. Some you can pop in the microwave and reheat as needed while others you have to fill with hot water. Either way, they are great for placing in your lap and feeling the sweet heat of relief.

If your job requires that you be up on your feet, these hot pad ideas probably won’t work for you. However, this next idea is probably just what you need. There is a new hot pad patch. You can choose from some that are just hot, icy, or both icy and hot. All you need to do is peel the sticky off and place them where you want them. The patches can last up to six hours. They can be moved to where you need them. You can also use one on your back and one on your pelvis. There are many options for getting relief.
2. Pain Relief
You may want to keep your go-to pain relief handy. This may mean over the counter medications like Tylenol or Advil. Of course, that may also mean that you may want to carry your prescription pain pills as well. Keep in mind that you still have to be able to work, drive, and communicate with others. That might mean that you can only take half a do half a dose of your pain meds. You may need to space out when you take them and take as little pain medication as possible. This way you are not sacrificing the quality of your work.
3. What you Eat
You may not realize that what you eat affects your endometriosis. The studies show that what you eat does affect your endometriosis. Carbs, sugars, and high fats can cause inflammation which will make you hurt. The best thing you can do for yourself is to avoid these foods. That means a low carb diet might be in your future. Starchy foods like potatoes and corn might make your body feel worse. Gluten, msg, and preservatives are another trigger for your immune system to respond to. The best thing to do is to try to avoid convenience and fast food.

Meal prepping at home can help you to be more successful. It can make it easier to eat good food on the go. Make your lunches a couple days at a time. Then you can grab it on your way out the door. You are more likely to stay on track if you preplan and look forward to the meal that you have planned.
Avoid sodas and sweet teas. Your body needs the water to flush out the impurities of your body. The more water you drink, the better your body will respond to endometriosis flare-ups. Try to drink at least half your body weight in ounces every single day.
4. Managing Stress
Did you know that your stress levels have a direct effect on your body feels and reacts to pain? The more stressed that you are, the worse that you are going to feel. We understand that you might love your high-stress job. Even if you don’t love it, you may not be able to just get up and quit. ( even if you are dreaming about it) You don’t have to leave your job to find a release from the stress.

You may find relief if you find another outlet for your stress. Some people say reading a book, coloring, drawing, or finding a new hobby helps them to deal with their day to day stress in a healthy way. Take mini-vacations close to home. Do a digital detox where you turn off all the devices and unwind from the world. Enjoy a bubble bath. There are many healthy ways to get away from work and out of your own head for a little while. You need to find one that works for you and then do it as often as you can, preferably daily or weekly.
5. Move it and Lose it
This tip may be a little deceptive. It’s easy to follow through. Get up and move. Do some steps in place. Take an exercise class. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park a little further from the door. Just get moving. If you can’t leave during the day, walk the hallways. The more you move, the more your blood gets flowing. Get that blood flowing and you are going to see a major improvement in your pain levels. You don’t have to overdo it. Don’t exhaust your body or go beyond your limits. If all you can do is some warm-up stretches, that’s quite alright. The point is to get your body warmed up and that doesn’t take more than fifteen minutes.
6. Take it Home
Talk to your boss. Let your human resources department know what it is going on. They may be able to help you by allowing you to take some of your work homes. You may be able to do your job from home on days that you are having a flare-up. If you are experiencing a higher than normal amount of flare-ups then you may need to talk to your doctor and let them know. You may even be able to get disability if it is truly affecting your ability to do your job.

Even if you cannot take your work home, sometimes you simply need a mental health day. Endometriosis can be physically and mentally exhausting. You may be able to treat the pain better in your own environment. Perhaps the simple break from the stress can help you to find relief. In some cases, a day off is something that you must do for your health. Don’t forget to stand up for yourself and put your health before work.
7. Have Supplies Ready
If you know you have endometriosis, then you should always be prepared for a flare-up. This may mean that you carry a bag with anything you might need for a flare-up with you. You can keep a box of supplies in your desk drawer or in your locker at work. Some of the things that you can keep in it are your feminine supplies, pain medication, the number to your doctor, a change of clothes, a hot pad or patches, and some snacks. Don’t forget to keep some water bottles close by as well. The snacks and water bottles will come in handy when you do need to take pain medication but cannot take it on an empty stomach. This way you don’t get sick on top of not feeling well. Having your emergency contact is always good to have, just in case the pain gets too much and you need to have someone make that phone call for you. Being prepared can make a flare-up feel more like it is manageable than being caught by surprise and not having anything ready at all.

We hope that you have found this list useful. Perhaps it gives you more ideas on how to be ready for those flare-ups or even prevent them. After all, being prepared means the battle is half over. Just remember that after you have a flare-up, you need to restock the supplies so that you can be prepared for next time. Endometriosis is not fun, but at least you know that you can handle whatever it throws your way.