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Struggling with Weight Loss because of Endometriosis

Many of us with Endometriosis suffer from weight gain and we can’t seem to lose it. On a recent thread in our support group, hundreds commented that they too struggled with weight loss because of their endometriosis. If you’re suffering, you are not alone!
Some of the best tips we have for you to lose weight are:
Simple meal plan: Don’t try and do something super complicated. Watching what you eat is super important in losing weight. Eat less calories than you burn each day and this will help! If you happen to cheat one day or two a month, that’s fine! The purpose of this meal plan is to watch what you eat. Get a food scale and really measure out your food so you know how many calories you are actually eating!

Streaming fitness service: Sometimes going out and working out is really tough both emotionally and physically. That’s why we suggest getting a fitness streaming service(youtube, Netflix, etc) and sticking to a set of workout programs on that. By exercising from home, you can find yourself in a safe place. If you happen to not be able to continue, you can rest easy knowing the bath or bed is just a few steps away!
Hold yourself accountable: You are in control of your future. You have to hold yourself accountable and go for it hard. Maybe make a goal where if you don’t lose the weight as fast as you want to, you have to donate a certain dollar amount to charity. What I do is find a coworker or family member and tell them my goal. My telling someone your goal and not keeping it secret, you are letting others know you are serious about your goal. The added benefit of this as well is that they can help motivate you on your journey

Weightloss can be tough when you have Endometriosis. Sometimes it seems like you are doing everything right but still gain weight. Stick with your good habits and this will most likely help you in the long term in reducing weight




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