
Why Endometriosis and Iron Deficiency are Linked

A lot of endometriosis warriors have anemia. Anemia is a deficiency of iron in the blood and body. Iron helps your body replenish red blood cells. It can also provide energy to the body and a lack of energy can be an indicator your iron levels might be low. Other symptoms of iron deficiency include:

  • Weakness
  • Pale Skin
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Headaches, dizziness, or an overall feeling of lightheadedness
  • Poor appetite

Women with endometriosis happen to have a high chance of developing iron-deficient anemia than the average person. The main reason for this is that women who suffer from endometriosis usually suffer from menorrhagia. This means heavy menstrual bleeding and this can impact your iron levels as it means frequent blood loss. One study in 2009 said “Several important endometriosis-specific genes overlap with those known to be regulated by iron.”

Iron deficiency can be remedied with an iron pill. Many endo warriors on our support group have said they take iron supplements although some said they have not worked for them. Some side effects of taking iron supplements is constipation. One warrior had a solution that worked for her which was to take a spoon full of blackstrap molasses every day. Which, according to her, replenished her iron but did not cause constipation.

If you feel any of the above symptoms that describe iron deficiency, please consult with your doctor before trying anything to help.




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