
I Found the Right Doctor For My Endometriosis

At the age of 25 after my second child was born Endometriosis came up and I was put on the pill as “the cure” I put a lot of weight on. I never thought to look into anything or question the doctor or advocate for myself. I always had painful, heavy cycles, doubled over with cramping. About 2 years ago my GYN in PA wanted to put me on the pill which I am not a candidate to take due to a Neurological condition I had and is in remission but, already being estrogen dominant and this doctor not listening to me even against the suggestion of my Neurologist she proceeded to write the script and I never filled it. Still very lost and not sure what was happening but feeling lethargic, in pain, no real quality of life was so depressing.

My husband, myself and our daughter moved to Texas, 6 months ago. The last year and half I’ve had no quality of life, a walking zombie. I found a new GYN here in Texas and she listened to me and took her time. I am not a candidate of the pill, IUD or an ablation for the Adenomyosis. I had an Internal US, blood work done, a surgical biopsy of my uterus, and then made a plan. My uterus is filled with endometrial tissue. Connecting all
the dots from now looking back doctors just are not up to date on diagnosis’s or just want to throw you on the pill. I want my quality of life back and am having a Hysterectomy the end of September, but the healing doesn’t stop there – I am making changes in my diet and doing more research.

I have been living with endo for quite a long time, but I now know how to advocate. We as patients want quality of life and not just a number, or a script to line pockets. We are women that need the right guidance and support from our doctors. The problem is many doctors are to proud to admit they don’t know and just write a script. That is not okay or completely dismiss us – Not okay. Feeling lost or made to feel crazy or dismissed are damaging to a person as I know i felt this way. I’ve left doctors’ offices in tears, angry, lost, confused. I know my body better than anyone but once I connected the dots fireworks went off. I don’t’ allow doctors to dismiss me – I ask questions, I do my research, I keep a log as i did for a year with my cycles and all my symptoms day to day and month to month. I was due diligent, and my new doctor was very helpful… don’t lose hope ever.




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