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Endometriosis and On-line Dating – Part 1 – The First Date

I was diagnosed with stage IV endometriosis around the bowel area at the age of 25. Ten years later, after multiple surgeries, failed IVF cycles (both with a partner and as a single woman), years of experimenting with various painkillers, contraceptive pills,...

The Link Between Weight Gain and Endometriosis

One of the changes many women with endometriosis experience is weight gain. Weight gain has not been found to be a direct symptom of endometriosis. Rather, the weight gain tends to stem from the treatment...

5 Endometriosis Symptoms I wish I Could Let go of

1. Endo-belly. It’s definitely the first symptom we want to get rid of. It doesn’t feel good having to buy larger clothes and being asked when your due. 2. Back pain. It makes doing anything tough...

This is What Endo – Belly Is and No one Talks about it

Endo Belly is often the least talked about the symptom that Endometriosis has on the body. I can definitely understand as talking about it and documenting it are showing a fake version of your body....

7 Things People Without Endometriosis Wouldn’t Understand

When someone just says its ‘period pain’   via GIPHY   Your medical diary is longer than your real one The feeling when someone says to have a baby like it’s that easy to do Always feeling...

This is What Endometriosis Surgery Looks Like When a Blood Vessel is Pierced

Endometriosis is a painful condition in which tissue that normally lines the uterus (the endometrium) grows outside of the uterus. There are more than 200,000 new cases of Endometriosis each year in the United States...