
Endometriosis: What People Don’t See

This image describes endometriosis so well. All anyone ever sees is the outward shine of the apple. Its bright red, glossy and beautiful. However, just under the skin, it can be an entirely different story. It seems an appropriate metaphor for endometriosis. Few can see beyond the outward facing shell. Few can truly understand the symptoms someone is facing on the inside, as they take place internally in the body or in private. Usually, these symptoms are only shared or shown to those who share the disease or to the ones they trust the most.

On this website, we have several other pages talking about life with Endometriosis and how it effects us on a daily basis. Two of our favorite examples include Endometriosis – “The Invisible Disease” and Endometriosis Has Taken Over My Life. We hope that these resources can be shared to show those suffering form endometriosis that they are not alone and we are all in this together. Thank you for your time, and if you have your own comments to share with the rest of the community please send us a message we would love to hear your thoughts!




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