Endometriosis: Here is what Pelvic Floor Therapy is

Endometriosis is full of mystery. There are so many questions that are still left to be answered. Some women will undergo surgery...

Top 3 Endometriosis Memes

  Which one is your Favorite? Tell us in the Comments! Source: CureUp

Why It’s Important to Look After Your Liver with Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a serious condition that is causing you pain, confusion, and frustration. But endometriosis doesn’t just end with...

Is The Endo Diet Worth It?

While endo flare management looks different for everyone, I do believe we can all benefit by changing our diets.
Women who have endometriosis are more likely than other women to have disorders in which the immune system attacks the body's own tissues.
Chronic inflammation in the body can potentially lead to very serious health complications.
High levels of oestrogen and low progesterone levels are often detected in women with endometriosis.
When I turned 30, I began to experience very painful periods. The cramping would be so intense that I'd have to lay on the couch, shaking and perspiring and consume painkillers to get through the day. I...

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Growing Up With Endometriosis

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I Had a Hysterectomy When I was 24

Women who suffer from Endometriosis have up to 6 times more chance to undergo multiple surgeries of reproductive organs. Share to Raise Awareness! My name is Kristen, I’m from Ontario, Canada and I am looking to...

My Long And Confusing Endometriosis Journey

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I Have to Choose Between Having a Hysterectomy or Having a Baby

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Hysterectomy Was Not a Cure For My Endometriosis

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I’ve Had Endometriosis Since I Was 12 Years Old

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My Life Worth PCOS

What was the biggest challenge after being diagnosed? Show your support by Commenting! Last year I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome). I had no idea...

I’ve Had 9 Laparoscopies And Still Won’t Let Endo Beat Me

At 26, I had a hysterectomy. That was 10 years ago (I am now 36 years old). Here I am though, stronger than I...

5 Amazing Tips to Reduce Endometriosis Cramps

Endometriosis is probably one of the hardest things that a woman can go through. It is hard to treat and even harder to deal...

Surgery Didn’t Cure My Endo

Would you consider Hysterectomy if it can help with your Endo? Tell us in the Comments and Share the Blog to Raise Awareness! Source: CureUp

I Have to Choose Between Having a Hysterectomy or Having a Baby

What's the most frustrating part of your Condition? Share to show your Support!  My name is Charmen. I was diagnosed with endometriosis at age 34. I am...