Yes, you can get Lower Back Pain from Endometriosis

Usually you hear about Endometriosis causing pelvic pain but did you know it can affect other parts of your body as well?
One of these places happen to be the lower back.

Over 300 years ago, Thomas Sydenham, a high profile physician, said that one of the most reliable indicators of endometriosis (back then it wasn’t known by that name) was back pain. The exact quote was ‘back pain as the disorder’s most reliable diagnostic feature’.

You’re probably wondering when you will experience back pain because of Endo and that’s not the right question to ask. The right question to ask is ‘If you will experience back pain because of Endo’. Not all women have reported back pain, in fact only around 15% have said they suffer from back pain.

It is believed that back pain is caused by nerve damage, inflammation, lesions, and/or lesions that occur near the spinal cord. All of these can cause radiating pain from the spinal cord.

Is it even safe to fix these issues since they are so close to the spinal cord? The answer is Yes and No. Only the most experienced and advanced laparoscopic surgeons should attempt this operation and even then it comes with risks.

Do you suffer from back pain that you think is caused by Endometriosis? Tell us below what your story is and we might use it in another story about back pain caused by Endo. Want to help us write these articles? Send an email to




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