Navigating Natural Treatments for Endometriosis

About 1 in 10 women suffer from endometriosis in the U.S. Women who experience this painful condition deal with many different symptoms, including abnormal periods, extreme cramping, weight issues, skin concerns and infertility. There is no known cause for endometriosis, and there is currently no cure for this issue. However, there are some methods for treating endometriosis. Some are more favored than others, and some medical-based treatments have unwanted side effects. Because of this, many women turn to natural treatment options such as the following:

Physical Methods

Everyone feels their best when their body is balanced both inside and out. From a physical perspective, yoga, pilates and pelvic-floor exercises can really help with issues like hormonal imbalances, period pain, and endometriosis, according to Girls Gone Strong. You may even be able to find a class in your area that is geared toward women’s health. A good stretch can help the body cope more effectively.


There are a number of natural options that can help to provide pain relief for cramps, manage periods and balance hormones. CBD is a supplement that comes from the cannabis plant. It doesn’t contain THC, but it can be very effective when it comes to treating chronic pain. Vitamin B6 is also very beneficial for women’s health concerns. According to Allevita, cramp bark can also be used to target cramps related to PMS and endometriosis-related pain.


Acupuncture is a practice that has been part of Chinese culture for centuries. It is currently being used in the U.S. for a variety of health concerns, including gynecological issues, such as endometriosis and severe cramps. A lot of health insurance companies are now providing coverage for acupuncture because of its effectiveness. It’s a very simple and painless procedure that has been used to help balance the body, treat pain, decrease PMS, prevent migraines, and much more.

If you are a woman who has been diagnosed with endometriosis, it is important to understand that help is out there. If you can’t find relief from conventional medicine, there are always natural remedies that you can try. Many women have found great success in treating their own endometriosis this way. With very minimal side effects, natural treatments are relatively low-risk ways to get relief from some of your symptoms. It’s always a good idea to check with your doctor if you are taking any medications or supplements for your endometriosis to avoid any negative interactions from occurring when you try something new.




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