Here is What a Partial Hysterectomy Is

Endometriosis is no fun. There is nothing positive about it. While it does wreak havoc on your uterus, it also causes some serious problems for your other organs. You can have full-body issues that can all be traced back to your endometriosis. That is why some doctors will opt for a hysterectomy sooner rather than later. Let’s stop and explore hysterectomies. We have taken the time to look into the procedure and ask the questions that need answers. That way you can make an informed decision about what is best for your body. 

Why Get a Partial Hysterectomy?

Endometriosis is the growth of uterine tissues where it should not be. This could be in the lining of the uterus, the fallopian tubes, cervix, or even in the abdomen. If you suffering more pain than you can deal with, or are having the issues that are taking away your quality of life, then you may consider removing the problem altogether. There are some benefits to having the procedure done.

There is the possibility that a hysterectomy will totally alleviate all of your problems. You will no longer have any more pain. That means that you can have your life back. You can function without pain killers or limited function.

A hysterectomy could also fix your bleeding. If you suffer from uncontrolled bleeding, a hysterectomy could help to get it under control. In some cases, hysterectomy is the only way to get the bleeding where it can be managed. Most of the time it is the last thing that you want to do because a hysterectomy is a surgery and no one wants to have surgery if it isn’t completely necessary.

Let’s take a deeper look at how it is done and some of the other factors that come along with getting a partial hysterectomy.

How it is Done

There are options when it comes to surgery. For the most part, your surgical options will rely on what your body will tolerate. Your doctor will go over your surgical options with you. We can go over the types of hysterectomy surgery.

Laparoscopy is one of the less invasive ways to remove the uterus. Basically your doctor will make three small incisions and go in with a small scope. They will remove the uterus either through the incision or vaginally. It is a rather quick operation. You can expect a faster recovery time.

The vaginal hysterectomy is the easiest of all the surgeries. You will have a recovery time quicker than the laparoscopy. Your doctor will go in through the vagina. The cervix will have to be opened. Then your uterus is removed that way. It is significant to note that there is no guarantee that all of the endometria will be removed. Visual is difficult and that might make it impossible to get all the cells that need to be removed.

An abdominal hysterectomy is just as it sounds. Your doctor will make an incision in your abdomen. Then they will use a scope to exam the area. Your uterus will be removed through this incision. There is a significant recovering time. You will expect a certain amount of pain as you try to recover. Your incision site will have to take care of as well.

How it Affects your Other Organs

A hysterectomy actually affects your whole abdomen. There is a danger of your other organs prolapsing. This is especially true of your bladder. You could have trouble holding your urine or you could have trouble urinating. You might have trouble, or pain, in your anus as well. It may feel like pressure. You may feel like you can’t go or that you need to go.

Your stomach and intestines might feel full or heavy. You might feel like you can’t go when you need to go. There isn’t much you can do but you can talk to your doctor. They can handle your pain, which won’t be as long term as endo pain.

The one thing that you should know about a hysterectomy is that it does tend to be the first of many surgeries.

Partial Vs Full Hysterectomy

A partial hysterectomy removes the top part of your uterus. It leaves your cervix in place.

A total hysterectomy removes all of your uterus plus your cervix.

Your ovaries may or not be removed. That is totally up to what your doctor feels is the best thing for you.

There is one other procedure. It is not usually used for endometriosis. It usually only used in extreme cases or where cancer is present. This is called a radical hysterectomy. It removes your uterus, cervix, ovaries, and part of the abdomen that surrounds the uterus. In most cases, this is only used when cancer is present. It is the last resort.

Side Effects

A hysterectomy comes with some side effects. There is a recovery time in which you need to allow your body to heal. This means that you will need to follow some restrictions to allow for this healing. You will be limited to how much you can lift. You may be limited to exercises. You will probably not be put on bed rest because you need to be up and allow the blood to flow to prevent clots.

There will be some pain at the incision site. It might be tender. You might have excess gas, depending on the type of surgery that you had.

If you had your ovaries removed as part of the hysterectomy, you may have sudden menopause symptoms. You might have a sudden drop in hormones. This might cause you to have sudden mood swings, headaches, and back pain.

You may not be cured of endometriosis. There is no cure. You would see a change in symptoms or relief from certain symptoms, but you could see a rise in symptoms in your abdomen. This varies from person to person.


Your recovery time will vary depending on the type of hysterectomy that you get. You could expect to be healed in six to nine months. You should follow your doctor’s restrictions while you are in the recovery period. You will need to care for your incision as you would an open wound. Keep it clean and dry.

You will be limited on what you can do, including what you can lift, until your body can heal completely.

Emotional Impact

Having your uterus removed has a significant impact on your mental and emotional wellbeing. Even if you do not have your ovaries removed, you are still ending your childbearing period. You will not be able to get pregnant or carry a child. This can cause depression. The imbalance of hormones, the inability to carry on with your normal routine, and the possibility of not being able to temporarily take care of yourself can cause you to feel overwhelmed.

In some cases, your doctor will ask that you speak with a therapist prior to the surgery so that your doctor will understand your risk for depression. You can continue your therapy as a way to deal with the life changes that comes with having a partial hysterectomy. Reality is, while this is probably a surgery you are looking forward to, surgery is hard on the body and the mind.

Possible Complications

Some possible complications from a hysterectomy are the same as any major surgery. You could have a sudden loss of blood. You could get an infection at the surgery site. You could get a blood clot. There is always a chance that you could have complications from anesthesia that could result in death. There is a slight chance of depression or suicidal thoughts due to the loss of hormones. You may need to be prescribed hormone replacements to help to balance out your mood. It is best to talk to your doctor about what you are worried about. You can make a list of all your concerns. Research your options. That what you can decide, with your doctor, if a partial hysterectomy is a good fit for you.




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