Is Your Pain Misdiagnosed? Tips for Finding a Doctor Who Will Actually Help

Endometriosis occurs when the tissue inside the uterus grows in other areas of the abdomen. Most often, the fallopian tubes and ovaries...

The Standard of Living with Endometriosis Depends on your Wallet

A couple of years ago,the doctor’s diagnosis disclosed that I was at stage 4 of complex endometriosis, and my life has been very much affected since then. But as terrible as it may be to be a sufferer of endometriosis, I still think I’m quite lucky that I can afford to cope with a disease that is so financially strenuous.

What is an IUD and What is it Used for?

An Intrauterine Device, also known as IUD, is a small, usually T-shaped device, which is inserted into a woman’s uterus. The device is usually...

Is The Endo Diet Worth It?

While endo flare management looks different for everyone, I do believe we can all benefit by changing our diets.
Women who have endometriosis are more likely than other women to have disorders in which the immune system attacks the body's own tissues.
Chronic inflammation in the body can potentially lead to very serious health complications.
High levels of oestrogen and low progesterone levels are often detected in women with endometriosis.
When I turned 30, I began to experience very painful periods. The cramping would be so intense that I'd have to lay on the couch, shaking and perspiring and consume painkillers to get through the day. I...

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Natural Treatment Program for Endometriosis

Endоmеtrіоѕіѕ is a Chrоnіс соndіtіоn thаt afflicts over 5 million women bеtwееn 20- 40 уеаrѕ old age group іn the US аlоnе аnd іnсrеаѕеѕ rapidly in thе world population, еѕресіаllу іn Aѕіа. It іѕ caused...

What Do You Use for Relief?

Thanks for taking our quick poll! Your vote could help shape future research. While you're here, check out some of our great articles on Endometriosis below!

Why is the Medical Community so Uneducated About Endometriosis?

We all rely on the medical community to receive high-quality preventative care as well as treatment for our ailments. Women’s medical issues have been historically under cared-for and written off as their own problem. In...

This Woman is Disrupting the $119 Billion Endometriosis Industry

One in ten women have endometriosis — that’s more than 170 million women globally. For too long, women have been struggling to receive the care that they deserve and suffering without truly knowing what is...

Ablation vs Excision in the Treatment of Endometriosis: Which ne is better?

For women with Endometrioses in its most advanced stage, the question arises on which treatment to take: Ablation or Excision? To know which one of them is the best (or at least, the pros and...

Endometriosis and Adenomyosis: What is the Difference?

One of the most delicate parts of a woman’s body it’s the uterus because it doesn’t only have a reproductive function but a lot of the system’s hormones are regulated there. That’s why it’s so...

Endometriosis and PCOS: What is the Difference?

For women, many vary diseases tend to share similar symptoms and, without the right diagnosis, the wrong treatment could translate into serious risk for their own health, thus making the cure worse than the sickness....

Endometriosis and On-line Dating – Part 2 – The First Time Sex

Intimacy during first-time sex should be an exhilarating experience. Intimacy and Endometriosis are two words that are not compatible - they cannot go together at the same time for a romantic rendezvous, it gives way for a...

Endo-Belly and Why it could be linked to the Digestive System

Many women around the world deal with Endo-Belly on a monthly basis. As we covered in our previous blog, Endo-belly is when endometriosis implants irritate other organs in the body. When these organs get irritated...



Endometriosis: My Weakness Helps Prove My Strength

I have been living with endometriosis for 10 years and been diagnosed for over 7. Things got very difficult for me after I found...

Endometriosis Treatment Options

Watch this video and leave a Comment to let us know who helped you the most in your Journey fighting Endometriosis! Tag them to show...

Adjusting to Endo and a New Medication

How do you cope with Endo? Share this Story to Raise Awareness! Well, I’ll start this off by saying today 8/14/18 is Day 40 of...

How To Reduce Chronic Inflammation In The Body

Chronic inflammation in the body can potentially lead to very serious health complications.

How to Succeed in Dealing with Endometriosis

Endometriosis iѕ one of thе mоrе diffiсult hеаlth оbѕtасlеѕ a wоmаn can fасе. This соnditiоn роѕеѕ threats аnd riѕkѕ tо bоth уоur оvеrаll health...