4 Superfoods for Those Suffering with Endometriosis

Superfoods are the most nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables, and plants from around the world. Certain superfoods can help in the treatment of serious health conditions such as endometriosis. Though there is no cure for this condition, making changes to one’s diet is an effective way to lessen the discomfort experienced by it. If you or a loved one is suffering from endometriosis, try eating these four foods to encourage pelvic health.


Avocados are anti-inflammatory, good for the digestive system, and full of omega-6 fatty acids. Eating avocados can help to restore the condition of your central nervous system which is key to keeping flare-ups caused by endometriosis at bay. Getting a regular supply of healthy fats will also help to regulate the menstrual cycle and this will ease PMS symptoms.


Kale contains B vitamins, folic acid, and iron which are of the utmost value to one who has endometriosis since they are likely to experience heavy bleeding during their menstrual cycle. This green leafy vegetable has the power to soothe the muscles of the uterus and intestines and rid the body of excess estrogen. Kale can also help maintain the health of the nervous and immune system.


All kinds of berries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and wild blueberries are all good for keeping someone with endometriosis healthy. Berries contain tons of antioxidants and nutrients vital to uterine health such as magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, and more. They also help prevent damage to organs caused by excessive adrenaline being released into the body, so if you or your loved one have been stressing make sure you’re eating them on a regular basis.


Sweet potatoes and white potatoes. What? Yes, you read that correctly. White potatoes are demonized primarily because of what they are cooked in or topped with, not because of the potatoes themselves. White potatoes high in potassium and vitamin B6, and support your liver and kidneys which is especially good for those suffering from endometriosis.

Sweet potatoes are also nutrient powerhouses that contain vitamins that help to remove endometriosis-promoting estrogens from the body. They also unleash the good-for-you gut bacteria that fights the bad-for-you gut bacteria that needs to be taken out to maintain good health.

You may be thinking- these foods are superfoods? Indeed they are, and they should be consumed regularly by anyone who has endometriosis. Try any one of these foods to prevent further development of endometriosis, flare-ups, and promote healing in the body. For the best foods to avoid, check out our article here.



Flo Living




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